Saturday, May 30, 2009

I Am Anti-Religion

I am anti-religion and I am anti-Christianity especially, because that is the religion that I come into contact with most often and it is a ridiculous religion.

I am anti-religion on a personal level because every religion I have ever come into contact with is based on a deep core of lies, and often silly, ludicrous lies at that. Lies which would not hold up under a passing glance of reason, much less heavy scrutiny.

But I am also of the mind that every person should be able to believe and do whatever they like, so long as they do not harm or limit the actions of others. This is another reason I am against religion, and Christianity in particular, because most of them strive to do exactly that. To convert, to chastise, to make others conform to their moral codes, which are often arbitrary and against human nature. Do not drink on Sunday, do not let men see your face, do not speak certain words, do not have certain ideas, etc.

I am against religion on a broader scale, because of it's affect on the survival of humanity as a whole, on the survival of the ecosystem, on the continuing evolution of humanity.

Religion tends to affect these things negatively, to decrease our survival chances, and the chances of the current ecosystem as a whole, and to retard our evolution as a species by several means.

Basically, I am against any religion that offers one of three things as its major tenants, and they are the main three tenants of Christianity and most other organized religions.

1. A Nice Happy Afterlife
2. Quick and Easy Redemption
3. Only Personal Actions Are Regarded As Sinful

These three facets tie in together in a way that should seem obvious, and they enable, almost encourage, people to act irresponsibly. Especially the thought of a happy little afterlife. Why worry about fucking up the planet for generations to come when you'll just be in heaven. Why care about this life, it's just a precursor to the big happy. I know this argument has been made before, but I think it is the best argument against organized religion, so it must be made until it is heeded.

By giving us the pie in the sky, religion encourages us to waste our lives on earth in the system propagated by religion and it's proponents, this is why it's often been a tool of governments and power. Waste your lives, waste the planet, god'll fix it, and if he doesn't, well, it'll all be good in heaven.

In as similar way the offer of a quick and easy redemption encourages people to slash and burn, murder species, ecosystems, consume, consume, consume, you can just say at any point, oh shit, I'm sorry, and it's get into heaven free day.

But really, with most religions, you don't even need to, because these things are not even considered bad. Not considered sins. Look at the ten commandments, look at most "do nots," do any of those apply on anything but a personal level?

Contributing to actions which cause the deaths or enslavement of people in another part of the world, contributing to the decimation of ecosystems, contributing to the eventual downfall of your very culture, your species, well, they're all pretty abstract, right? And religion only warns us against personal actions, thou shalt not PERSONALLY kill. Indirectly, it's fine!

And besides, god created all life to be the subjects of man, right? Fuck up the planet on which you depend for survival, who cares.

I am anti-religion because it affects me negatively every single day. On a personal level by hindering my actions through religion-influenced law, and on a general level by encouraging my fellow humans to destroy our ecosystem.


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